? ??????????????Never Let Go? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (69 Ratings)??42 Grabs Today. 36197 Total Grabs. ???
???Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ????9?? ?????Dusk For The Ambitious? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.4 (15 Ratings)??41 Grabs Today. 35276 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

i'm stupid...

i dunno how can i do now....i dunno how to help her liao....i'm so stupid, right?but...i wanna tell u....u r my best friend and dear sister 4ever...i wanna cry...how can i forgot her...how...?